Storytelling Sound & Music
Show: All, Sound Design, Music, Podcast, Sonic Ident, Personal, Field Recording
Storytelling Sound & Music

Show: All, Sound Design, Music, Podcast
Sonic IdentPersonal, Field Recording

‘Taste the Art of’ TVC Taiwan

Sound Design, Music, 

Production: The Production Booth Creative Direction:  Anna Lisa StoneReeve Rixon Colorist:  Matt Williams

Crafting a Taiwanese Whiskey Journey: Bespoke Music and Sound Design
  • A Tailored Experience: This project involved creating bespoke music and sound design for a Taiwanese TV commercial.
  • Voiceover Integration: The final mix incorporated a Taiwanese voiceover added later by a regional post-production house.
  • Soundscape Evolution: The sound design starts with realistic elements, gradually transforming to reflect the different stages of the whiskey-making process.
  • Location-Inspired Music: The music draws inspiration from the featured locations.
    • Modern Art Gallery: Synth tracks and deep sub-bass create a modern and fresh atmosphere for the art gallery scenes.
    • Organic Percussion Harmony: The use of organic percussion with large, wooden drum sounds evokes the image of whiskey cask barrels.

Sound Design, Music & Audio Post by the coast, North Yorkshire ︎ ︎  ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎