“There’s More To Cheese Than Cheddar” ad debuts 4th June, 2020 on Channel 4 and will air for 4 weeks in the U.K. It’s supported by print and digital, which will run throughout the summer. “This campaign will build brand awareness, drive sales and hopefully open consumers eyes, that there is in fact more to Great British cheese than just plain old cheddar,” said BGN Managing Director, Antonio Giansante.
A Delightful Soundscape for Belton Farm
This charming commercial for Belton Farm cheese prioritises the informative and engaging voice-over narration. The playful and energetic sound design complements the narration perfectly, creating a memorable experience for viewers.
A World of Sound:
A Delightful Soundscape for Belton Farm
This charming commercial for Belton Farm cheese prioritises the informative and engaging voice-over narration. The playful and energetic sound design complements the narration perfectly, creating a memorable experience for viewers.
A World of Sound:
- Fun and Playful SFX: To match the voice-over's lighthearted tone, the sound design incorporates fun and playful sound effects. These whimsical elements add personality to the commercial and enhance the energy of the opening scene.
- Marimba Magic: A touch of musicality is introduced through the use of a Marimba, its bright tones perfectly accenting the movement on screen. This creative use of sound design adds a layer of delight without overpowering the voice-over's message.
- A Sonic Signature: The commercial concludes with a short, impactful piece of original music. This sonic branding element helps to solidify Belton Farm's unique audio identity and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.
- Tailored for Different Platforms: Two separate audio mixes were created to ensure optimal listening experiences on both broadcast television and online streaming platforms.