Storytelling Sound & Music
Show: All, Sound Design, Music, Sonic Ident, PodcastPersonal, Field Recording
Storytelling Sound & Music
Show: All, Sound Design, Music,
Sonic IdentPodcastPersonal,


Mighty Giant
Sound Design, Music, Audio Post, Mix 
Manchester-based moving image company Mighty Giant turned 10 years old in 2020. With Covid 19 stopping the party, we collaborated on this short film. It tells the story of how the creative process works at Mighty Giant.

A Sonic Journey Through Creativity: Sound Design for Mighty Giant
The sound design plays a pivotal role in capturing the essence of the creative process, transporting viewers from the initial spark of an idea to its final delivery.

Cinematic Soundscapes:
  • Spacious Vistas: Sweeping cinematic soundscapes establish a sense of vastness, mirroring the open and collaborative environment at Mighty Giant. These expansive soundscapes set the stage for the creative journey to unfold.
  • Building Momentum: As the film progresses, additional musical elements are woven into the soundscape, adding a driving pace and energy that reflects the studio's dynamic approach to animation. This crescendo builds towards the film's pinnacle moments, highlighting the studio's achievements.
  • Auditory Immersion: Carefully selected reverb effects bring the film's environments to life, creating a sense of presence within the bustling studio and the fantastical animated worlds brought to life by Mighty Giant.
  • A Blend of Reality and Futurism: The sound design seamlessly integrates realistic sound effects and ambiences with a sleek, high-tech soundscape that evokes the world of science fiction. This juxtaposition reflects the studio's ability to blend creativity with cutting-edge technology.
  • Auditory Delivery: The sound design serves as a metaphor for the creative process itself. Just as the "idea capsule" in the film is injected with sound before being delivered to the client, the soundscape becomes the final touch that brings Mighty Giant's creative vision to life.

Sound Design, Music & Audio Post by the coast, North Yorkshire ︎ ︎  ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎